Your Tax Refund - Invest in Your Home

Best way to spend tax refund fix basement Advanced Basement SystemsAre you expecting a tax refund this year? We’d like you to consider investing that money in repairing or your leaky, damp or cold basement.

Yes, we know that there are certainly more “fun” ways to spend your hard-earned refund, but keep in mind that repairing or updating your basement is an investment; depending on your needs, a choice which will pay you back in five ways:

  1. It will improve the health of your home

  2. You will better enjoy your home (no more musty smells or damaged possessions)

  3. It will reduce your stress knowing that your basement issues are fixed… permanently

  4. Helps to improve the efficiency of heating and cooling

  5. Increases your home’s market value

Leaky basements, old sump pumps and foundation cracks don’t fix themselves - they only become worse over time. Fixing your basement now may actually save you time and money in the future when damage and problems compound.

So now, it’s time to choose the right contractor and products for the job. Please consider:

When you’re ready to invest in your health and your home, we’re here for you. Please call: 1-866-277-1277 or click here to begin your online quote.

About the author

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Ben Bates
Ben Bates lives in the Chatham-Kent area and has been involved in the basement, crawl space and foundation industry since 2008. He has a passion for improving homes the right way and knows what it takes to waterproof, encapsulate or stabilize homes in Ontario. He assists with over 900 projects per year.

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We serve the following areas

Our Locations:

Advanced Basement Systems
23576 Prince Albert Road
Chatham, ON N7M 5J7

Advanced Basement Systems
199 Exeter Rd Unit E
London, ON N6L 1A4
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