5 Types of Unhealthy Moisture in Your Basement

Leaky Wet Basement Before 2020What’s one thing all basements have in common? Whether your home is new or older and if your basement is finished or not, by their nature, all basements have the potential for damaging and unhealthy levels of moisture. 

Why is water or excessive moisture in a basement unhealthy? 

Growth of allergens: Mould and mildew - According to Health Canada, mould is a serious concern in a home. Depending on exposure, a person’s age and general health, mould can affect your family in a variety of negative ways. Is there a damp smell in your home? It’s caused by mould and mildew, and if you can smell it, you’re breathing in that unhealthy air! 

Bacteria: Bacteria develops and thrives in damp environments. An example is Iron Ochre, which is not only unhealthy but also may affect pipes and discharge lines.

Pests: Pests such as mice, spiders and bugs love dark, damp basements. The waste material of pests can be very harmful to a person’s health.

What causes water or excessive moisture in a basement? 

  1. Groundwater leaks - This is caused when groundwater makes its way into a basement, usually as a result of a heavy rainfall. 

  2. Plumbing problems - From blown plumbing lines due to freezing to drain leaks from sinks, showers, dishwashers or washing machines; a plumbing leak can cause serious problems and water in your home. 

  3. Moisture-wicking - Wicking occurs when water moves its way through porous materials. Often seen in block or poured concrete foundation walls, if there is a lot of water pressure in the ground surrounding a foundation, that water will work its way into the home through the porous concrete. 

  4. Transmission of water vapour - Have you noticed the air in your basement feeling damp and humid although there are no visible signs of water? When water enters through the porous concrete foundation, it can evapourate quickly; but that water vapour remains, causing moisture and excessive humidity. 

  5. Condensation - Condensation develops when something cold comes in contact with something warm. Perhaps you’ve noticed condensation on windows and glass doors during the summer or winter months? Or when your AC ductwork is in a warm, unfinished area of your home? This condensation adds to unhealthy levels of moisture and humidity in your home.  

If you’re seeing evidence of moisture in your basement and are concerned about the health of your home and family, please reach out to us for a complimentary inspection and free, written estimate.  Click here to submit your information online, or give us a call: 1-866-277-1277

About the author

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Ben Bates
Ben Bates lives in the Chatham-Kent area and has been involved in the basement, crawl space and foundation industry since 2008. He has a passion for improving homes the right way and knows what it takes to waterproof, encapsulate or stabilize homes in Ontario. He assists with over 900 projects per year.

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